Saturday, August 10, 2013


Softly spoken words float off on a gentle breath-
it doesn't matter what they are.
They are what you are, and what you are is
My enraptured soul longs to envelop you.
It will take nothing less than all of you
drunk in deep draughts or buoyed up by your oceans.
And never, never sated.

The clearest expanses of sky could not contain us.
There is no limit to what Love can dream
when she has cleaved herself to Youth.
Bittersweet Youth.
Whose passion is so all-consuming
that even he is not safe from it
and is soon swallowed up
by the sea.

To grow old, to die
All has more sweetness with you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


You captivate me.
Your hair, flowing freely in the whispering midnight wind
Frames the face I long to address- but I digress...

Beneath stars and street lamps
I, having grown very old (and very restless)
Ambled nimbly through my dreams and saw nothing of Regret
Upon locating Her among my memories I stumbled sharply,
Stumbled over the image of you.
You captivated me.

When I was young, walking down the sleeping, unlit streets
I saw a singular port of sky fully ablaze
And from that fire,
the smallest spark of something I do not understand
Had floated softly from your lonely lit window
and into my life